FCL Services
The location of our wharf facility in Sims Street West Melbourne (less than a minute drive from the entrance to the Port of Melbourne) enables us to handle our freight task to and from the wharf in the most highly efficiently manner whilst keeping a pulse on the wharf operations on a real time basis through the course of the day and night shifts.
We operate around the clock from 5pm Sunday to 12pm Saturday. Our experienced and professional staff ensure the operations desk and driver groups are servicing our clients growing needs throughout this time in strict adherence to NVHR, COR and driver fatigue requirements.
To deliver the highest levels of customer service we utlise:
- in excess of 130 professional and talented staff across our operations, driver, customer service, warehouse and administration groups
- in excess of 140 prime movers per day
- 230 trailers covering various configurations from 109T rated Super B Double sets, standard B Double sets, sideloaders, retractable skel trailers and tautliners
- One of Melbourne’s largest sideloader fleets
- a fleet of six reachstackers across our sites enabling efficient truck turn around times in our facilities
- Industry leading IT systems covering true EDI compatibility. Developed inhouse with the ability to tailor data feeds specific to customer needs